About a month ago, for the very first time, Heidi of Hands Occupied, Haley of Red-Handled Scissors, and I met up in the same place at the same time. We record the Very Serious Crafts Podcast together, but we're usually in our separate homes in separate cities.
But on this occasion, we got to hang out and then head to the Harold Washington Library in Chicago. We recorded Season 2, Episode 4 of the Very Serious Crafts Podcast with a live audience and it was so fun!

Okay, so the truth is that in addition to it being fun, it was also a little scary and awkward at times. This is what happens when you work at home with minimal real human contact. Haha!

But anyway, if you'd like to listen to this live recording, it's available to download now at VerySeriousCrafts.com or on your favorite Podcast app. Be sure to check the show notes too, so you can see the resources and fun vintage items we shared.
After the recording stopped, that wasn't the end of our day. Nope! The second half of the program we hosted was a crafty make and take!

Our project was a felt coffee cuff, embellishing them with three different techniques. I worked with folks on embroidery, Heidi demonstrated latch hook (yes, on a coffee cuff!), and Haley showed how to add English paper piecing.
My cuff looks like this:

I started with just the Serious Crafter text and the little border. In fact, I brought in Serious Crafter patterns for everyone! But then I decided to add some flowers. And I'm still adding them, filling in a rainbow of simple lazy daisies.
And I thought, maybe you'd like to make a Serious Crafter coffee cuff, or at least an embroidered patch of some kind!

To make the cuff, cut the template shape out of thick felt. Fold the ends together and sew straight across.
Print or trace the Serious Crafter pattern onto Sulky Sticky Fabri-Solvy. You can also use tracing paper for this, then tear it away after.
Embroider through the felt and pattern. I used three strands of embroidery floss throughout the design. When securing the thread on the back of the felt, you should be able to turn it partially inside out to make it easier to work.
When you're finished, soak away the Fabri-Solvy and let the cuff dry.
Now you can let the world know that you're a very serious crafter just like us!

I mean, we're mostly very serious.
Note: The coffee cuff pattern is based on a Martha Stewart pattern with some slight adjustments. All photos (except the pic of the library and my coffee cuff pics) were taken by Heidi Gustad and her sweet husband!
How lovely to get together with your fellow crafting friends. Felt is nice to sew on and the cuff is a great idea.