As October 1st arrives, I'm feeling like I'm in a flurry. Not of snow, thankfully, but I am trying to do many things all at once. And while my calendar wallpapers aren't necessarily helpful for planning and tracking the things going on in your days, I do find that making them each month points me toward a new start.
That's a soft way of saying "oh my goodness I can't believe that another month has passed and what am I doing with my life?!?!?!?!" But I kid.
Speaking of soft, however, this month's birthstone is another one where I had to choose what to represent. Opal is common for October, but so is a pink gem (though I saw several options for this). When I was very young, I remember being envious of my best friend's October pink gem birthstone, so I went for that. It's pink tourmaline, and I'm showing it in a soft pink, with a soft-ish cut.
Old memories and gems that don't look as hard as others come together in a cut that I learned about called an "old mine cut". It's called this because it's how things would have been cut in old mines. In fact, they don't really cut gems this way anymore, and the new, similar style is a cushion or pillow cut. Soft, get it?
Okay, enough of me geeking out about gem cuts and pink birthstones and making far stretching connections between them. Have a few calendars!
Ready for a few more things I squeezed into September (which may also contribute to the flurry I've felt)?

I love helping kids learn embroidery and sewing basics, which is what this apple and worm are for! Find the tutorial on Hello Bee.

In the autumn season, I always get more intense with my knitting and crochet. And I'm carrying it around in this new project bag I designed for The Spruce Crafts!

Speaking of knitting and crochet, I've also been creating new sample photos for The Spruce Crafts. The V Stitch is the latest that I worked up. I love the look of it, plus I'm smitten by this yarn color!

Of course, if it's knitting season, it's also sweater weather! Grab my pattern and instructions for stitching on knitwear, also at The Spruce Crafts.

Do you enjoy autumn breads as much as I do? Visit Handmade Charlotte to download these printable wrappers with a kawaii print!

Also from Handmade Charlotte, learn how to make these Silly Spool Totem Pole Backpack Charms! I seriously had so much fun making these.

And last, but certainly not least, be sure to check out the latest episode of the Very Serious Crafts Podcast!
Now, off I go to work on new things that I hope to share here soon!
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