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pattern: jelly beans

Looking for something quick to stitch up for Easter? How about some silly jelly beans? I'm really digging a soft rainbow of just about anything right now, so these seasonal sweets are perfect. Well, perfect to look at, anyway.

You see, I don't like jelly beans.

I try to like them. Every few years I check to see if my tastes have changed, but no. It doesn't matter what flavor they are or who made them, they just aren't good. You know...to me. I think the texture is what really messes them up for me, but I like other chewy candy. Gumdrops? Good. Cinnamon bears? Love. Jelly beans? P-tooey!

But I still think they are cute, and a must have around Easter. So download the pattern and embroider them, even if you're like me and can't stand to eat them!


  1. They are adorable and I love jelly beans!! Thanks xxx

  2. Super cute! I agree with you about jelly beans. It is the texture that bothers me, too. Thank you!!!

  3. I love the flavors but find them too sweet and then I get a sugar headache! (I know, right!?) Cute pattern, thank you for sharing!

  4. They used to give me jelly beans after my sessions in speech therapy. I have grown to loathe them now and I certainly think that negative connotation is to blame! They are cute though!

  5. I think you either love them or hate them, but your pattern is certainly cute!

  6. Sooooo very cute! Thanks for the pattern! :)

  7. I don't like them either. I wish I did...they seem so fun :( At least I can have some without having to eat them LOL

  8. I'm so happy to have found some more Jelly Bean haters...er...I mean, folks who don't quite love 'em. That sounds happier.

  9. Nancy M Hall12:00 AM

    I would join you in the jelly bean hate, but I do, in fact, like Jelly Belly brand. To me, it's a quality thing - with jelly beans, you seem to get what you pay for. They're the only "sugar" candy I really like - not hard candies, not SweetTarts, not Starburst, just Jelly Bellies, thank you. :)

  10. that's so funny- I LOATHE jellybeans as well! Especially the buttered popcorn flavor- if I even get a whiff of them, my eyes water and I start to gag...


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