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project // mixed materials dmc stitchable cuff blog hop (and giveaway!)

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

You all know that I love DMC embroidery threads, and anytime I can team up with them, I'm happy to do so. Which is why I'm thrilled to be part of this week's blog hop featuring projects that use a range of their products. If you haven't tried DMC's Stitchable Cork, Stitchable Mesh, or Stitchable Cuffs, you'll definitely want to after seeing all of this inspiration!

At the end of this post you'll find all of the links to make your way through the blog hop, as well as a giveaway for a fantastic DMC prize pack (yaaaaayyy!!!). But right now I get to show off this cuff bracelet I made.

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

This is actually the third stitchable cuff that I've made. Which is funny to me, because it's kind of designed more for cross stitch than for embroidery. But that doesn't mean you have to use it that way! The first cuff I made was stripes of rainbow colors. Then I created some patterns for stitching a waves, a feather, and a friendship bracelet. Now, I thought I'd try something a little different.

Instead of only stitching, I decided to add in some fabric. In fact, my first thought with this was to use couching, but then I decided to work fabric into the bracelet other ways too.

This post is more of a guide and less of a specific tutorial. You should definitely feel free to layer and stitch your own bracelet however you like. I bet you could even layer in some Stitchable Cork or Stitchable Mesh!

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

You will need:

DMC Stitchable Cuff
Fabric scraps
Size 8 perle cotton or embroidery floss

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

Cut a thin strip of fabric. Mine is about 5/8in by 4in.

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

Stitch the fabric to the cuff with running stitch, working through the pre-punched holes. A large knot will work for starting your stitching, or you can secure the end of the thread by stitching over it on the back.

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

Add more stitching to hold the fabric in place. Oversized cross stitches work, as do straight or angled stitches.

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

Next stitch something teeny tiny. I freehanded this little heart with a face. An initial would also work really well here. Trim the stitching down to a tiny rectangle that will fit on your bracelet.

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

And stitch that little piece onto the bracelet. You can overlap the first piece of fabric if you like. And use whatever stitches you want. I just went with running stitch around the edges.

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet
Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

This next part is the couching that I was initially thinking of. Take a thin strip of fabric (mine is 5/8in wide) and twist it tightly. Then, lay it on the bracelet and stitch it down with diagonal stitches. Clips are very helpful for holding it twisted and in place as you work!

You can even add a second color of stitching as you see below.

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

Trim off any extra fabric.

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

Add any extra stitching that you want, or leave it at that. Which means, this bracelet is finished!

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

I absolutely love the layers of stitching, pattern, and bracelet base, not to mention the varying textures. Plus, it's a fun way to work in precious bits of special fabrics.

Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet
Mixed-Material DMC Stitchable Cuff Bracelet

What do you think? Do you have a favorite fabric you'd want to feature on a bracelet like this? Leave a comment and tell me how you'd stitch up a DMC Stitchable Cuff. Then, fill in the official entry through Rafflecopter below.

There's a giveaway like this running at all of the blogs in the blog hop, so be sure to check them all out to increase your chances...and to see some really great projects!

Monday July 24:
Beverly McCullough - Flamingo Toes
Tuesday July 25:
Amy Bell - Positively Splendid
Kari Sweeten - U Create
Aimee Ray - Little Dear Trackst
Wednesday July 26:
Michele McDonald - The Scrap Shoppe
Jessica Anderson - Cutesy Crafts
Amy Byrne - Random Acts of Amy
Thursday July 27:
Jodie Rackley - Lova Revolution
Liz Welker - The Pretty Life Girls
Mollie Johanson - Wild Olive (you're here!)
Friday July 28:
Beverly McCullough - Flamingo Toes

For more information on DMC's Stitchable Cuffs, watch this:

Note: This post was sponsored by DMC. But I stand behind their products and have been a huge fan since I was a kid!


  1. oh so clever! I would love to make one using a bit of liberty!

  2. I love your feather stitches and would like to try it on a cuff, multi colors, I can picture it!

  3. I love the idea of using embroidery stitches instead of just cross stitches. I will do something like that.

  4. Love all the different elements in your cuff!

  5. This is really fun. I'd probably do darker colors with the fabric a bit of embroidery...I love chunkier jewelry :)

  6. Absolutly adorable. Just love the cuff.

  7. I think it would be fun to make little hexagons, as in EPP, and sew them on!

  8. You always come up with some wonderful ideas! Love the addition of the fabric. The bracelet looks so summer perfect.

  9. Mollie I'm dying here!! The colors, the fabric, the stitching - it's all adorable!! You knocked this one out of the ballpark!

  10. I love what you did, so creative!

  11. Gosh this is such a
    cool way to stitch
    up the cuff! I would
    try using some yarn
    on mine and a flannel
    fabric with little
    chicks on it. Cute.
    Carla from Utah

  12. this is sooo adorable,,,I love cuffs and yours is the cutest!!

  13. There are so many cute things to use with the stich able cuffs. Hoe about yarn, fabric, buttons and embroidery floss?

  14. Oh, these would be projects with my nieces, for sure! So cute!

  15. Love this color combinations. Need to remember it for future a quilt.

  16. I'd use rows of twisted fabric scraps for a sort of rope-bracelet effect.

  17. First, I had no idea this bracelet existed!! I'm pleased to know that this is even a possibility!
    I'm just wrapping up a geometric stitching project in a hoop so I'd likely continue with the triangle theme because they are on my brain. :)
    P.S. Love the addition of the fabric to the project idea above. *thumbs up emoji*

  18. Anonymous4:59 PM

    How exciting! I had no idea this was such a thing. I would layer different fabrics that I have kept pieces of over the years, for just that special project.


  19. I would love to make mine look like a crazy quilt.

  20. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I would make a rainbow bracelet.

  21. I would love to make one of these
    bands. Have to get to the store
    to find these and get to stitching.
    Love how you used the burlap and
    fabric to make a background.
    thanks for sharing.

  22. I love your cuff. :)

  23. I'd stitch mine with hearts and flowers in shades of purple with a few beads added in for some bling! I really like yours...it's like a mixed media cuff!

  24. I've never seen this before. I might need one for every season.

  25. The layering looks great! I think I'd try that, though probably with brighter colors.

  26. i love the layered look you created, so i would probably try to replicate it!

  27. Bright colors that look like beads

  28. You've inspired me. I'll be making this beautiful cuff.

  29. Your cuff is adorable. I'd do some cross-stitching on the cuff. Thank you.

  30. Your cuff is oh so pretty! I would love to do a variation of this idea-cross stitch is perfect here! Thank you, Susan

  31. I love the that you included fabrics on your cuff. I think this would be such a fun project for my girls...thinking we could do their names and maybe a flower

  32. I love that you included bits of fabric on the cuff! It looks so cute!

  33. I think I would make a Halloween one! pumpkins would be adorable. add some glow in the dark thread to make a jack-o-lantern face!

  34. I have no clue what I would do! Maybe cross stitch a feather or sparkler firework or a name or year.

  35. Very cute. The cuff looks very versatile.

  36. I really love your cuff; the layered fabrics are quite effective. I wasn't too interested in the cuffs until now!

    1. Oops, pressed "publish" too soon. This gives me sorts of ideas of what to add to the cuffs -- fabric and thread of course, but also beads, or maybe random doodads like some small washers or buttons.

  37. Oh, goodness, I can think of several ways I would want to stitch one of these lovely bracelets. I love all of the creativity you put into yours! I'd love to cross stitch roses on one, do several little inchy style patches on one, a mixture of cross stitch and embroidered patches, and the list goes on and on! What a great product!

  38. I love cuffs - it's fun statement jewelry!

  39. Oops I left a comment on the wrong post! My comment is: Wow, I think I would try a British themed bracelet. I have some fabric that I've been saving for a quilt, but that's such a big project that I haven't even started it. This would be a small manageable way to use some of the fabric.

  40. This is a great idea. I have some beautiful thick floral fabric that I have been wanting to add embroidery elements on so it would work great for a bracelet. Love this idea, thanks

  41. Anonymous11:33 PM

    I would stitch some quilt patterns on the cuff! Your cuff is very pretty!

  42. I've been wanting to try one of these cuffs! I like what you did with yours - I think I'd do a word on mine (Persist comes to mind).

  43. I love your ideas about stitching up the cuff. Very unique and fun to personalize for different people with special bits for them.

  44. I love the idea of a mixed-media project. I have so many fabric scraps that would be perfect for this project. It might be fun to try it with a little bird print fabric I have to match the skirts I made for my daughters.

  45. I have some cute tiny bird fabric which I would use and use running and X stitches! tks!

  46. I would try to stitch short lengths of fabric to the cuff so the whole bracelet would appear fluffy. This is so cool!

  47. I would love to stitch on a bunch of small embroidered designs like your heart! Or maybe instead of a heart, stitch my kids initials on different colors of fabric!

  48. Beautiful, I like the band you made. Great thanks for sharing the tutorial for us. I will definitely try to make this beautiful band.

    Custom Baby Items

  49. Elyse9:07 AM

    Hi Mollie,
    This is another great product offered by DMC. For my cuff, I am thinking about adding fabric scraps from a quilt I just finished for my son and then adding his name in matching thread. The mixed media and colors will be fun and different and a wonderful new statement piece. Thanks for the tutorial!

  50. I'd just love to add some vintage fabric scraps from my mom's 70s-era prom dress! A really pretty dark navy background with white flowers...

  51. Sandra Preti2:33 PM

    I'd like to make a summer theme, bright neon colors in a funky pattern.

  52. This is so cute! I'd make one more like your first cuff, with the rainbow pattern, but I'd choose a palate more summer themed. Maybe some bright green, pink, and yellow!


I often reply to comments in the comments...check back if you have a question!